Good Football Exercises

By Jason Myers

Being a strength and conditioning expert and former aid at the University of Georgia I can say to you that kettle bell strength training is where its at when it comes down to the bottom line. Check out the following 3 kettle bell lifts that should be a must in your strength program!

1. The Kettle bell Swing: This is the base strength endurance lift that is ideal for general conditioning and building tremendous inner strength. This lift is done by you wavering the bell starting between your legs up to chest level. The drawing motion of wavering the iron bell incorporates hundreds of muscles and challenges your cardiovascular system more than anything you have tried with in other type of weightlifting.

You must perform a hip snap motion by flexing and extending at both your hips and knees in a constant and fluent motion so that you can build the required drive to perform this lift. This hip drive is needed for the game of football!

2. The Single Arm Overhead Kettle bell Snatch: This specific lift is gruesome in it's concentration! This is probably at the top of the routines for maximum kettle bell workouts. This lift is executed by properly performing an explosive hip snap motion once again. However, you are only lifting the kettle bell with one arm and letting the bell to vertically fly up in front of your body by pulling your elbow upward and lateral to your head. The moment it arrives at this high point laterally to your head then you finish the snatch by hitting your palm to the heaven locking out both your elbow and shoulder into place. This particular lift is marvellous for improving explosive leg power, core strength, and shoulder stability!

3. The Kettle bell Front Squat: For this kettle bell drill you can use a single bell or two bells of the same weight. From the floor between your legs just clean the kettle bells to your chest. Ensure that your squat stance is firm and stable. From here simple do a front squat going down until your elbows touch your knees. This is how you know you possess good depth in the squat. Make sure you include all three of these exercises into your kettle bell workout routines for maximum fitness and athletic routine. Train intensely and enjoy my friend! - 31493

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